Growth Diagnostic

30+ Growth Opportunities Identified For Software Development Agency

  • A development agency had experienced dramatic growth in a short time, however 90% of its revenue was from a single customer. They had no dedicated sales team and the CEO’s capacity was a bottleneck. They needed to be more efficient with their resources and diversify their revenue.

  • Led a 2-day workshop with company leadership to analyze the strategy, operations, and risks facing the organization. Throughout the workshop, opportunities for growth and improvement were prioritized and codified into a clear plan for their team.

  • The recommendations unlocked leadership capacity, allowing for a greater focus on sustainable growth. This newfound efficiency and structure led to more diversified revenue streams while scaling their most valuable client account at a lower risk to the organization.


Executive Coaching

A consumer packaged goods company grew from $4,000,000 to $10,000,000 in revenue within a year

  • The CEO of a CPG company in the health and beauty sector was experiencing a slowdown in revenue growth. As a bootstrapped and lean company, the CEO didn’t have another executive to help assess the situation.

  • The CEO provided supporting data and their current approach to strategy, financial management, and sales for analysis. Additionally, regular meetings were established to discuss these issues and run through scenarios in collaborative working sessions.

  • An external assessment, as well as regular meetings, allowed the CEO to work through various challenges with another experienced executive. Within a year, the company had more than doubled in size to $10M in revenue.


Growth Hacking

Specialty food service company increases their CRR by 30% and raises new capital round

  • A company providing a room service amenity for luxury apartment buildings wanted to better understand key sales metrics across their portfolio of buildings.

  • The raw data from their systems was analyzed. KPIs and OKRs were determined based on industry-relatable standards and the stage of their company's growth, including understanding unit-level economics.

  • The company was able to better focus its sales efforts on profitable buildings and fine-tune its marketing and sales strategy. The company also used the analysis to successfully secure a new round of venture funding.


Go-to-Market Strategy

Industrial Labor Market Leader Achieves $20M ARR Year 1, Projected $200M ARR Year 2 From New Innovation Program

  • A staffing market leader was having issues filling staff assignments for their large industrial clients. On a weekly basis, 25% of assignments went unfilled, and 40% were not filled on-time (per client requirements). They had difficulty securing enough candidates from their traditional sources.

  • An innovation team was established to explore the viability of using non-traditional sources for staffing. This required a deep understanding of this new labor segment. We conducted interviews, surveys, developed user personas, created story boards and high-fidelity prototypes, and sought continual feedback from market participants.

  • Successfully built a portfolio of internally incubated companies to address identified pain-points for clients and staff associates. The portfolio achieved $20M in ARR in the first year and was on-track to achieve $200M ARR in Year 2.


Business Analysis

Analysis of prospective investment enables a non-profit to avoid making a risky financial decision

  • A non-profit was considering an investment in a company they believed aligned with their values and long-term mission, however they needed support evaluating the target company.

  • A deep analysis of the prospective investment company’s operations, team, product, and market was conducted. A report was created outlining the risks and opportunities of an investment.

  • The report allowed the non-profit to evaluate if the company was investable, according to its risk tolerance. Ultimately, the non-profit chose to pass on an investment due to areas of risk identified in the report. Within a year of passing on the investment, that company ended up winding down its operations.